Friday, June 3, 2011

2011-2012 Curriculum Fair

Today I am linking up with to talk about my plans for the 2011-2012 school year. While we have just wrapped up this year, I am always looking ahead and planning for the next year. I have 4 children who will be in 7th, 4th, and two in 2nd. I have a son with Aspbergers and creates a challenge to find material for him. I have decided, after looking through tons of curricula that I can scale down the lessons the others are doing and save money! So here we go:

7th - Saxon 8/7
4th - Saxn 5/4
2nd - Math-U-See Gamma
We love Math-U-See, but once we get to Epsilon, I felt it wasn't good enough for the older students so we switch to Saxon at that time.

We love the Apologia Exploring Creation series, so we are going to be studying Human Anatomy this year. Projects and activities will be scaled for each age group. We will also be using the journals for the first time. I got a great deal on them at the convention this year and couldn't pass them up.

We will be doing Story of the World Volume 3: Early Modern. We have done the previous two levels and really enjoyed them. My 7th grader will also be using The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia and The Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History to take her studies further.

7th - library for reading, Easy Grammar Plus (hoping we like this one), English from the Roots Up 2
4th/ - library for reading, and the rest of our material (spelling, language arts) comes from a friend of mine who published her own curriculum.

As a family we will be reading several biographies on Missionaries from

We are hoping for good times and developing close family ties again this year!
